Kung Fu Jungle – Luca Feole’s review

L’intervista a Teddy Chan, regista di Kung Fu Jungle, in occasione del Far East Film Festival 17 With Kung Fu Jungle, Teddy Chan presents a crime story that fuses an obsession with becoming number one in martial arts with the power of love. Hahou Mo (Donnie Yen), a former martial arts instructor, ends up after…

So East, you’re not so Far… – Pensieri sul FEFF 17

Udine – Tokyo: 9,475km. Udine – Beijing: 7,800km. Udine – Seoul: 8,619km. The air-distance between the FEFF capital and these Asian cities is huge but for nine days every year it magically disappears. Udine residents are always ready to embrace the oriental world, but why is this festival such an attraction? “Every year I can’t…

FEFF Campus 2015 – Reflections on the festival by Luca Feole (Udine)

“La gioia di vivere deriva dall’incontro con nuove esperienze e quindi non esiste gioia più grande dell’avere un orizzonte in costante cambiamento, del trovarsi ogni giorno sotto un sole nuovo e diverso” Ok, parlare di sole a Udine può sembrare un controsenso, ma la frase del libro di Jon Krakauer, Into the wild, si sposa…

FEFF Campus Interview – Luca Feole

–          Name: Luca Feole –          Born: 27/09/1989 –          Home: Udine –          Who am I? A law student at the University of Udine who loves reading and writing. My course of study has trained me to speak and write and, thanks to my insane relationship with soccer (I’m also a good striker…

Five minutes with… Anne Curtis, star of The Gifted

After the showing of “The Gifted”, the amazing Anne Curtis and the bright director Chris Martinez (“There are some scenes as homage to Tarantino”, he said) were intercepted in the “Giovanni da Udine” ‘s press-room. With kindness and professionalism they talked about their movie’s messages. “People don’t change”: what do you think about this line…